Ephesians 2:8-9 For y grace you have been a saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

A story is told of a religious leader who was waiting to board a train to begin a journey.  A simple man approached the religious leader and asked him, “Sir, are you saved.? The leader replied, “Yes, I am.” The simple man then asked, “When were you saved?” The leader replied, “I was saved in…

Luke 24:6 He is not here; he has risen!

Easter morning always brings excitement to little children: baskets full of goodies, new clothes, and an egg hunt.  But for the Christian, we’re excited for a different reason.  We know that Resurrection Sunday means to our salvation and Who the “reasons or the season” is. The story of our Lords Resurrection is like no other.…