We occasionally hear the idiom: “There’s plenty more where that come from.” It can be used in a negative way, combative sense or in a positive, generous sense. In both cases, the meaning is the same: There is a reservoir just waiting to be tapped if needed.
Jesus commended a poor widow who gave all she had to the Lord (Mark 12:41-44) In her case, there was nothing more “where that came from” as opposed to those who gave to the treasury out of their wealth. Paul likewise commended the Macedonian churches who gave out of their poverty (2 Corinthians 8:1-2) The expression also applies to the principle of giving to to God the firsfruits of one’s wealth. The reason we should have no fear of giving the first to God is because “there’s plenty more where that came from.” In other words, giving firstfruits to God is an act of faith that He will continue to bless those who honor Him.
Don’t be afraid to give God the first of your increase. When you give God your firstfruits, you express your faith that His resources and provisions are never ending.