The message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that God loves us so much that He sent His only Son to take the penalty for our sin. His divine appointment provided the atonement for or sin. But the mystery of God’s action is that, while His love removed the consequence of our sin, it required the death of His Son. the death of Jesus and His ultimate resurrection led to our eternal life by conquering death. And it all began with God’s love.
All parents explain to their children, at one time or another, that they are disciplining them because they are loved. Discipline is a way to keep the child from traveling a path at that could lead to future heartache and pain. As they mature, children ultimately learn that their parent’s love and discipline helped them avoid dangerous pitfalls in life, possibly even death. God does that with us as well-He disciplines us: “For whom the Lord loves He chastens”(Hebrews 12:6)
There are many facets to God’s love. Perhaps the greatest one is that because we are loved, we are saved from death. Celebrate the new life you have in Christ.