When we are facing a crisis, one of the most comforting things we can hear a friend say is, “Don’t worry. I can walk you through the solution, I’ll be right over.” What wold you call such person? A friend? A Guide? A Counselor? A comforter? Or perhaps all those terms would be appropriate.
All those terms can be applies to the Holy Spirit whose Jesus promised to send to His followers. In this Classic Edition Amplified Bibles’s translation of John 14:16 we read: “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter, that he will remain with you forever.” The Greek work for “Comforter” is parakletos, one called along side to help, comfort, strengthen, encourage, or counsel. When a friend, or Holy Spirit, does those things for us, the nets results is comfort; we are comforted in or moment of need.
Because God is good, He gives us the gift of comfort. Let the Holy Spirit’s presence comfort you and guide you to the truth found in God’s Word. (Romans 15:4-5)