A story is told of a religious leader who was waiting to board a train to begin a journey. A simple man approached the religious leader and asked him, “Sir, are you saved.?
The leader replied, “Yes, I am.”
The simple man then asked, “When were you saved?”
The leader replied, “I was saved in A.D. 33 when Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins.”
How would you respond to the leader’s answer in light of Ephesians 2:8-9? He was right in saying that his salvation was purchased on the cross. He recognized that his salvation was made possible not in his own Singh, works or goodness, but was the gift of God. When we place our faith in Christ who died on the cross for us, we are saved by the grace of God, to which we respond through faith.
When were you saved? How were you saved? The biblical answer is in Ephesians 2:8-9 by the grace of God through faith.